FRANCE: Let’s meat ! fast and curious and more …
Best practices in VET
To define innovation and excellence in VET, we have used the three categories of excellence based on a study "Mapping of Centres of Vocational Excellence", conducted by the European Commission in 2019.
Teaching and Learning
Cooperation and Partnerships
Governance and Funding
In line with the Erasmus+ quality standards, we added a fourth category of innovation and excellence: 4. Social and Environmental Responsibility
Read more about the DEFINITION of excellence in VET
and the CoVE approach :
Centres of Vocational Excellence on the European Commission website.
FRANCE: Training pathways for company creators
CATALONIA: Human error prevention techniques in chemical sector
AUSTRIA: Apprentice Mobility - How to support companies and apprentices
FINLAND: Internationalisation at home: Canadian chef tour in Finnish VET colleges
AUSTRIA: Open Borders – Open Minds: Apprentice Mobility at the Rail Cargo Group
FINLAND: VET college building family houses for real customers
FINLAND: Customer projects in media studies
FRANCE: APPIE: a learning in immersion method
AUSTRIA: Moorheilbad Harbach - How to make apprenticeship training in tourism appealing
FINLAND: Lukstore - Pedagogical recycling store inside a vocational college
AUSTRIA: Skilled workers for the future - Attractive apprenticeship training at SPAR
FRANCE: Professionalisation of mobility coaches
CATALONIA: Back to life, a recovery-engineering project
CATALONIA: Lending a hand to a local tv station, civic engagement with the community
FRANCE: introducing digital in the civic life of the apprentices
CATALONIA: International mobility for inclusion
ICELAND: Gender equality in the vocational education and training - broadening career choices.
ICELAND: Building a high quality in-company learning mobility experience