The REGIONAL MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF THE GOVERNMENT OF CATALONIA promotes the international mobility of IVET students from disadvantaged backgrounds as a path to widen their perspective and incentivize their motivation. The students travel from Catalonia to the North of France to boost their technical and transversal skills through work-based learning, French lessons and cultural activities.
What problem or issue has the innovative practice aimed to tackle?
This innovative practice aimed to tackle early dropout rates for students between 16 and 21 years of age who have not completed compulsory Secondary Education.
What have been the achievements?
Improvement of participants’ transversal skills.
Reduction of educational inequalities.
Internationalisation of IVET students .
Who was involved and how?
IVET students from different schools were selected for the mobility experience.
Companies in the receiving country hosted students to do work-based learning.
A French language academy taught French to the students in the receiving country.
The Unit for International Projects for VET at the Regional Ministry of Education of the Government of Catalonia provided KA102 grants for these mobilities.
The IVET Unit of the Regional Ministry of Education of the Government of Catalonia contacted the tutors who selected the students based on social and economic criteria.
MAP Association (Bayonne) organised the cultural activities and French lessons and also searched for suitable companies for the work-based learning.